In Asian medicine, it’s all about digestion. Did you know that in addition to what you eat, both sleep and the type of movement or exercise that you undertake are key to managing your weight? Acupuncture and mild herbs or teas can be very effective in stimulating weight loss. Acupuncture treatments alone can reduce the anxiety that causes cravings, overeating and lack of sleep.
There are no gimmicks here, and in Asian medicine, everyone is treated as a unique individual. For instance, you may be chomping on the kale and raw vegetables without realizing that your body needs hot soup for optimal digestion. This is an example of ‘cold, sluggish’ digestion. Or, you may have been diagnosed with Candida, which can cause a thick middle, puffy skin and congested sinus. This would be seen as “Phlegm Accumulation.” In this case, you’d need acupuncture, certain foods and teas to detoxify your system and dissolve phlegm lodged in your digestion AND lymph system.
Deborah will evaluate your diet, body-type and “category” using an Asian medicine paradigm and design an individualized program for you to strengthen the digestive system. The net effect would be to help you slim down and increase your energy.
To get started, contact Deborah at 973 873-0017 or email at for a free phone consultation.